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Out of the Wilderness Ministries was formed to strategically use Internet media platforms to present the gospel to a wider audience. Our ministry team has a burden for reaching lost souls with the sound doctrine that is lacking at this crucial time in history.
This team sees an opportunity that has never existed before. To strengthen churches with ministry tools, reach communities, and to present the truth of the word of God to many who have not heard it.
The Caudill Family
Owen Caudill is the Pastor of Evangelism and Discipleship at Peace Freewill Baptist Church in East Tennessee. Owen began his time in ministry as an open-air preacher. He is currently pursuing Ministerial Studies at Welch College. His wife, Misty Caudill, works for a non profit health care foundation and is an organizational leader within the Women Active for Christ (WAC) in East Tennessee. Owen and Misty share two sons.
The McCoy Family
Derek McCoy is the Senior Pastor at Community Chapel Freewill Baptist Church in East Tennessee. Derek began his time in ministry as an evangelist throughout Eastern Kentucky and Southern West Virginia. He graduated from Columbia Southern University with a B.S. in Environmental Management. His wife, Andrea McCoy, works in social media marketing and homeschools their two sons full-time.
“If sinners be damned, at least let them leap to Hell over our dead bodies. And if they perish, let them perish with our arms wrapped about their knees, imploring them to stay. If Hell must be filled, let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go unwarned and unprayed for.”
– C.H. Spurgeon
Jesus is from eternity the second person of the one true God and is the everlasting word that took upon flesh. He was born of a Jewish virgin, which separated him from the inherited sin of the line of Adam. He was both completely God in full deity and completely human of supernatural birth. He lived a life that was entirely sinless from the time of his birth until his death. He was the only begotten Son of God that was perfectly obedient and pleasing to his Father in all his ministry on earth. He fulfilled all scripture written under the old covenant and prophets to prove himself as the foretold Messiah. Christ Jesus is a real historical figure that is corroborated by eye witness accounts contained in the holy scriptures and by historians in the era of his life. Jesus Christ was a Jewish man of the tribe of Judah, in the line of David the king, and is the only salvation given to mankind.
During the fall of the first humans Adam and Eve, mankind lost its status before God and was cursed in the garden to die. Humans were no longer sinless before God because they disobeyed his first commandment and ate of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. In Adam, all of mankind fell from the grace of God and was set at enmity from him. The sin of creation could not come before God because of his holiness. Because of the great love that God has for his creation, he made away for his Son Jesus to redeem the seed of eve and set them at liberty from the bonds of sin and death. At the appointed time, God the Father sent his Son through a virgin of the house of Davis by the name of Mary. She was obedient unto the command of the Lord and found herself conceived of the Holy Ghost having never known a man. Jesus was born in humbleness and grew in the fear and knowledge of his Father until the time appointed for him to reveal his purpose. He called 12 apostles to instruct them in the Gospel that would need to be preached after his offering. Jesus was tempted in all the same ways that every man is tempted and was found having no sin of his own before pilot. Being delivered by the high priest, Jesus allowed himself to be crucified for the sins of the many. Jesus being made the federal head of all men replaced Adam to all who believe. He had to die as a sinless man to incur the wrath of God against sin for the believer. In an act of double imputation he gave his life a ransom for the believer because of his sinless virgin birth. He inputs his righteousness to the believer because he took on the imputed sin of Adam and all his line so we no longer had to account for it. We input our sin back to him through our faith by his grace.
Jesus was born as the second Adam, because him and the first man were the expressed image of God as man. We no longer are identified under the sin of Adam when we believe in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The wages of sin is death and that curse of death was given to all creation through the sin of Eve and then Adam. Jesus having never known sin and not being guilty of the sin of Adam because of his virgin conception through the Holy Ghost, was not due death. He had no curse and being completely God and man, he was able to live without sin of his own. When Jesus imputed his righteousness to the believer he removed their sin and suffered the wrath of God in their place. Jesus was laid in a tomb where he went into the belly of the earth to a paradise reserved to all who were faithful to God and looked for messiah. He preached to them grace and on the third day he was raised by the father, because he was sinless. Without sin he was not worthy of death and could not be held by the curse of death. He resurrected to offer a new birth to the believer and to atone for the believers sin by the offering of his blood before his father.
Salvation is a complete work of God and it is by faith alone through grace alone by the hearing of scripture alone through Christ alone to the glory of God alone. Romans 3:23 “for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” You must first understand that every person is guilty of the original sin of Adam and it is then compounded by the sin that they commit themselves. The only person to ever be completely free of sin is Jesus Christ. Romans 5:8 “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” You must then understand that while you were spiritually dead in your sin, you were due a judgement in hell under the wrath of God. Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” God knowing that we were separated by sin from a covenant relationship with him, sent his only begotten Son to atone for those sins. Christ died that we no longer were guilty of our sin and suffered the wrath of God’s holy judgement as our sin on the cross in our place. Romans 10:9 “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” If you believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that he by the resurrection is the only way to heaven, then you can be saved. Confess that Jesus is Lord and do not be ashamed through the repenting of your sins unto salvation
If a person believes on the name of Jesus and repents of their sins, then they are born again. The first work of a newly born again Christian is to be baptized. Baptism does not save your soul, but it fulfills a good conscience to God. Baptism is an essential work that must be completed by a Christian to represent what happens on the inside of the believer. A new Christian is buried in baptism through a complete emersion in water to represent the passing of the old man. The Christian is brought out of the water because to represent being raised from the death of sin to everlasting life by the resurrection of Jesus.
A Christian must now live for God as a repented believer that has been set at liberty from their sinful nature. We must walk in the spirit and abstain from the lust of the flesh. A Christian will sin from time to time, but should no longer live a sinful life. They should bear fruit that show their repentant heart by doing good works for the Lord. Good works do not cause you to be saved, but by faith you are compelled to do them because you are saved. Prayer, reading of the scriptures, and fellowship with God and other believers, are the foundations of the repented life. A Christian must grow from these basic principles to larger works for the Lord. Salvation is a continuous growth process that will never end. Every believer fails at times, but we must be steadfast in our dedication to the one who saved us.
P.O. Box 1093
Talbott, TN 37877
United States
Out of the Wilderness Ministries
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