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We believe that there is an eternal creator that is the self-existing, immutable, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient God who is sovereign in his will and is the supreme authority of all creation that has revealed himself through his infallible word. God is infinite in his power, perfect in his love, and holiness. God is unable to be tempted by sin and his glory is due the worship of his creation.
We believe that the sovereign God of all creation is one Lord that exists in three separate but equal persons as the Father, the Son, and the Spirit. These three agree as one and are one in all things throughout eternity that the Father is of none, neither begotten nor proceeding; the Son is eternally begotten of the Father; the Holy Ghost eternally proceeding from the Father and the Son.
We believe that the first person of the Holy Trinity is the Father who has divine providence. In his foreknowledge he has predestined the end from the beginning and the believer unto good works.
We believe that the second person of the Holy Trinity is the Logos, God’s eternal Word that was bound by flesh and given as the only begotten son who died for the sins of the believer. Jesus is the Christ prophesied by the prophets to redeem the believer from damnation in Hell by the Father’s wrath.
We believe that the third person of the Holy Trinity that is the testimony of the living God among the creation to bring glory and honor the Father through the salvific work of Jesus Christ is known as the Holy Spirit. Upon profession in faith of Jesus through the repentance of sins, the believer is sealed with the Holy Spirit through the promise of Christ upon is ascension to his throne.
We believe that the second person of the Holy Trinity known as the son of God, Jesus removed his glory and was born of a virgin to perform the work of the father and redeem the creation that fell through the sin of Adam. He lived a sinless life being fully God and fully man to reveal the will of God among men during his earthly ministry. He was crucified for the atonement of all who would believe and was resurrected to ascend before the throne of his Father and present his blood to cleanse sin from his people.
We believe that the good news of Jesus Christ was to fulfil the will of his father to die for the sins of his people. The work and death of the cross is given to satisfy the wrath of the Father against the sin of his creation. In doing so his righteousness is imputed unto the believer and the sins of the believer imputed unto him to be justified. As a part of the great commission, all Christians should know what they believe, why they believe it, and be able to share their faith in a winsome manner through the gospel to bring unbelievers unto Christ in repentance.
We believe that the death of Jesus upon the cross and the burial in the borrowed tomb was the completion of his earthly work. Jesus entered the belly of the earth and ministered to the saints of the old covenant that had looked forward unto the coming of Christ in faith. Upon the third and appointed day he was unable to be held by death and was raised from the grave to be quickened by the Father. In doing so he reconciled the believer unto himself that they may reign with him in his Fathers kingdom for eternity.
We believe that the creation fell through the sin of Adam from the grace of God. God before ordained prior to the creation that he would redeem man from the sin that separated the creation from the loving God. Through the work of Christ, man was reconciled from his sin through the grace given by the resurrection of Jesus. Grace is extended freely to all men through the drawing power of the Father. Those that respond to this grace through faith in repentance from their sins are forgiven by the unmerited favor in Christ in an act of sanctification.
We believe that sin is the transgression of the law of God through open rebellion and willful disobedience to the sovereign creator. Man is created as the express image of God and made perfect and innocent in all his ways, being sinless. Sin entering in through the fall of man, separates us from the holiness of the eternal creator. God is righteous and just, which renders his creation unable to come before his presence while corrupted by sin. Sin not only cost the sinner the presence of the living God but has earned them punishment under the wrath of God through death and Hell.
We believe that the creation in the fallen state, is completely unable to atone for sin both inherited and direct. Man is born into sin by the inheritance of his fathers from generation to generation being compelled to sin upon their own actions through the flesh. Without the gift of God in grace alone through faith alone, the creation could never be redeemed upon its own merit in favor with God.
We believe that in the creation is the expression of Gods power and that man desires to be restored to the eternal promise. Man is inexcusable because faith is given to all men as the evidence of the unseen eternal promise and substance of God in Creation. Saving faith is the power given to the sinner, by God, to believe in the redemptive work of Christ unto salvation.
We believe that Hell is a real plain of existence that is the total conscious separation from God. Hell is the fulfillment of God’s wrath on the unbeliever through the punishment of fire. Hell, as it exists now is an eternal holding place for the unbelievers reserved unto judgement. Hell will give up the dead that reside there to appear before Christ at the White throne of his judgement. The unbeliever will be cast into the lake of fire where sin will be destroyed by the judgment of God known as the second death.
We believe that God before the foundation of the world established the order of Salvation. He knew that his creation would fall into sin and made a way for their redemption. His son Jesus Christ is the lamb slain from the foundation of the world. All who call on the name of Jesus that believe in the work of the cross and the power of his resurrection can be saved through the repentance of their sins and confession with their mouths.
We believe that all scripture is divinely inspired for the governance of the Christian life though the revealing of God in its text. It is the infallible word of God that is free of error or corruption by man and is the supreme authority of creation. It is the power of God unto the belief of the creation unto Christ and will not return void. Scripture is wholly true and the cannon of the narratives within are devoid of conflict. Although certain sections are poetical and at times use imagery to illustrate eschatological or parabolic points, scripture is literal in its meaning. Scripture is contained to the books of the Authorized Version and is not to include the apocrypha.
We believe that Heaven is the habitation of God and exists outside of the time and space of creation. Heaven will be the reward to the believer at the end of the age where we are ever present with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Sin cannot enter heaven and only the believer will be invited to enter in.
We believe that the atoning death of Jesus on the cross discharges the debt of sin for the believer before God. The act of double imputation by Jesus becoming the sin of the believer and declaring the believer righteous satisfies the wrath of God against sin. From eternity God has declared to justify the elect through the obedience of Christ unto death. The atonement given by Christ pardons the believer from theirs sins and affords them adoption through the righteousness of Christ alone.
We believe that the act of sanctification is the cleansing of the sins of the believer unto a regenerated state. The newly born or regenerated believer has a new heart and spirit placed in them from the virtue of Christ’s atoning death and resurrection. Sanctification is a continuous process that is a continuation of God’s grace in the life of the believer. The believer is able through prayer and scripture to repent of their sins throughout Christian walk.
We believe that the during the act of sanctification the believer is made holy before God. Holiness is the mark of a sinless life and being set apart as a peculiar people. The Christian is to be Christ like in their actions and be perfect before the Lord. There are no perfect Christians, but the believer should endeavor with integrity to attain unto the resurrection. The corruption of the flesh remains in the believer and will be overcome at the day of resurrection of the saints. Until that day, the believer must resist the lust of the flesh, lust of the eye, and the pride of life and repent when they fail to do so. A believer may still sin at times but cannot live in the sin of the former unbelief.
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Talbott, TN 37877
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Out of the Wilderness Ministries
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